mercoledì 5 luglio 2023

Talk about Tapas


Tapas is a social publishing platform for webcomics and web novels, where anyone can read stories or create and share their own.

Stories are organized into series, much like TV shows or podcasts, comprised of bite-sized episodes perfect to snack on. Many episodes are free, and premium episodes can be purchased and unlocked at your own pace.

Tapas is currently available on the web, Android, and iOS.

Read and discover

Discover series from indie and professional comic creators and authors. Bookmark your favorites and read new updates in Your Library every day. Share the latest episodes, connect with other fans, and directly support your favorite creators with tips.

Learn more about using Tapas here.

Create and share

Easily upload your comics using our self-publishing platform, then share them to build your audience. Engage directly with your fans and connect with our amazing community of other creators. Join our ad revenue and tipping programs to start earning money from your hard work, then keep tabs on your performance and earnings on the dashboard.

Currently, self-publishing is only available for comics, but tools for web novel writers are coming soon.

Ready to get started? Learn more about self-publishing here.

Partner and publish

We partner with publishers big and small. If you're a professional creator, agent, manager, or publisher, get in touch with Adrienne for details.

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