Ring in DeviantArt’s 23rd birthday with exciting features, a birthday cake tutorial to get a brand-new Profile badge, and a retrospective of DeviantArt’s logo!
Birthday Features
Birthday List in Watch
The Birthdays list is back by popular demand! To help deviants plan for and celebrate other deviants’ birthdays, a Birthday list has also been added to the Watch page! Birthday notifications already appear on the Deviants You Watch page in the form of a small cake icon next to a deviant’s avatar if their birthday is that week, but now you can click the Birthdays button at the top right of the Watch page to see a list of deviants you follow who have recent or upcoming birthdays. The list will display deviants whose birthdays were within the past two days, as well as those whose birthdays are within the next 6 days!

Birthday Avatar Icon
During your birthday week, a badge icon can appear next to your avatar on your Profile, to celebrate you on your special day! The badge you see there is the first badge you have in the Featured Badges section of your Profile, so you can decide what badge shows up!
(Note: This feature will respect your privacy settings, so if you have your birthday set to not display on your Profile, other deviants won’t see it.)
Birthday Animation on Profile
When it’s your birthday, the gift icon on your Profile will have a sparkling animation over it, to encourage other deviants to celebrate your birthday!
Decorate your Profile for DeviantArt’s 23rd!
Get festive and bring the party to your Profile with celebratory Profile Skin designs! All deviants can download these new design assets and use them for birthday creativity, and Core Members can install them to their Profile directly from the Profile Skins menu!
Join the Celebration
How long have you been on DeviantArt?
What’s one of your favorite DeviantArt-related memories?
Share the deviation you’re most proud of in the comments below!
Don’t forget to create a birthday cake to get your celebratory Profile badge, also!
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