domenica 23 luglio 2023

Important Changes to Brave Rewards-What’s changing for Creators?



If you’re a registered Brave Creator, we will be removing the “balance” indicator in the Brave Creators dashboard. The balance you see in your Creators dashboard mostly keeps track of vBAT that was contributed to you but is still pending to be paid out to your custodial account, so will no longer be needed. 

Updated creators dashboard without vBAT balance indicator

Updated creators dashboard without vBAT balance indicator

Note that any BAT previously paid out to your custodial account is unrelated to these changes. You will continue to be able to receive monthly Creators payouts and direct tips from users to your connected custodial account, even without the vBAT balance indicator.

Following these changes, we also have plans to redesign the overall Brave Creators experience. Here’s an early design preview of what your Brave Creators dashboard might look like in the future:

Brave Creators Dashboard Redesign Preview

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